Direct Equities
Our number one objective for our portfolios is to invest in companies that our research suggests will grow their earnings at a reasonable pace over a five-year period and therefore increase the enterprise value of the company. Our number 2 objective is to preserve as much capital as possible when volatility hits the market by investing in specific sectors and stocks that we believe will still be able to maintain earnings throughout cycles in the overall economy. At times, investors look through different lenses when they are looking at their portfolios, day-to-day headlines are like looking through a microscope. The Warren Buffett method is twofold, one is to understand what the strategic benefit of holding a company is and two, what are the long-term potential benefits of investing in that company for shareholders (us). The interesting point about Warren Buffett is that he made most of his money over the age of 70, simply because he bought and held quality and let the compounding effect of great companies enhance his wealth "over time".
Our portfolio construction has a delicate balance between defensive assets and growth assets that blend together to attempt to reduce as much risk as possible.
Of course, our stocks could not withstand the tidal wave of a substantial market sell off. They too would be affected, but from our experience, it has been shown that the good investments will be affected less and they will bounce back faster than many others. Our overall portfolio strategies are designed to match the experience and understanding of our clients to help them feel comfortable and be able to follow their investments in the most transparent way we feel possible.